Part 2: The Crabby Woods
Chapter 1 The Crabby WoodsThe majority has decided that our main character shall retain his default name, Lang. He will be a Cocky Hero, not afraid to brag and call his enemies names, but also not a complete asshole to everyone he meets.
This changes little about the choices I made in Chapter 0, so theres no need to go over all that again.
Where we left off last time, Galvan was just about to show us the ropes in Hunters Wood.

Galvan wont even let us leave the woods until were done with the tutorial.
So, on we go, but we dont go far before

Now Playing Fragments of Soul
We run into our first enemies.
Theyre called Klaw Ants but they should really be crabs. Youll figure out why in due time.

And thus Galvan starts our tutorial.
However, rather than simply detailing his tutorial, I am instead going to take the opportunity to detail the gameplay for you in my own way.
As this is an RPG in the style of Final Fantasy and others like it, most of the actual gameplay takes place in random battles.
Like other RPGs, these battles play out in turns, where you pick what your characters do for said turn, and the enemies also pick their actions. Like most other RPGs (man Im going to be saying this a lot), whether your characters act before the enemy is a matter of whether their statistics are higher than theirs. Sometimes this can mean the difference between killing and being killed.
Whats not like other RPGs is how you preform attacks in Legaia 2.

Your primary means of attack is this system. You pick directional attacks (up, down, left, right), and the character will swing in that direction for their attacks. Its difficult to adequately describe in text.
You are probably wondering what the point of the different directions is. First and foremost, some enemies can only be hit with certain directional attacks. Encounter a flying enemy? Downwards strikes dont connect. Encounter a particularly short enemy? Upwards swings go over their head. Some enemies are so short left and right swings wont even hit.
In Hunters Wood, this doesnt matter because no enemies you encounter cant be hit with all the attacks, so you wont even realise this until you get later into the game. Galvan doesnt explain the possibility either.
You might think you can just constantly use whatever attacks hit the enemy in question, but youd be wrong
In the image above, you can see Art Blocks mentioned. Thats because the real purpose of these blocks is to let you perform Arts. They are essentially special attacks that do more damage than regular attacks.
In the first tutorial, nobody even uses any Arts, and Lang doesnt have enough Blocks to do them. However

Lang gains a third Art Block upon levelling up. You can see the pattern here; you gain Art Blocks by levelling, and thus can perform more attacks in one turn.
We are quickly given the chance to use our new abilities.

We run into some Bloody Wolves. This is our second tutorial fight, where Galvan introduces us to the concept of Arts.

Our first Art is Blue Moon Buster. See, if we were attacking certain enemies, the attacks in that combination might not hit, but wed still need to perform them to use the Art. I cant remember if certain Arts can miss too, but well find out.
Blue Moon Buster Demonstration
That video should give you a good idea of how attacks work in general, as well as how Arts work as a concept. Every time you learn a new one, you get the New Art cut-in.

Moving on, we are introduced to Super Arts. As expected, Super Arts do more damage, but also consume AP. No AP? No Super Arts. So the basic formula becomes performing regular Arts to build up AP, then executing Super Arts to deal more damage.
Sandstorm Demonstration
All this is really quite unique as far as RPG battles go. Of course, the whole system is lifted from Legaia 1 with a handful of touch-ups. At first, one might think its an interesting and innovative way to do battle, and youre not wrong at least at first.
The problem lies in the fact that the novelty of the system wears off. Eventually, the flashy moves become repetitive and you just want to get through the battles faster. As you get stronger, you unlock more Art Blocks and perform more Arts as well as longer Arts. Right now, the enemies are easily dispatched, but as the game goes on the enemies will require more effort to beat. Not tactical effort, but sitting through long Art chains until they die. Its even worse if you dont know the right tricks to boost your damage output.
All in all, the Legaia combat system has its moments, but in the scheme of things, it will start to bore you.
Heres a general video on what to expect from encounters.
Now I want to take a minute to talk about something else
Voice Acting
If you checked out those demonstration clips, youll have heard both of our current partys voices. Everything in a battle instance is fully voiced in Legaia 2. The Arts, the grunts, you name it, its voiced. As you might have noticed, the characters also say things for certain actions, like;
-At the start of a battle.
-Defeating an enemy.
-Delivering the final blow in a battle.
-Getting knocked down.
Its impressive that they put this much voice work into the game, especially considering this is definitely a low budget title.
As for the voice quality, however
-Langs is fine. The actor sometimes wavers between a more youthful sound and a deeper voice, but its certainly not bad. It just so happens its Cam Clarke that does his voice, and I can barely tell.
-Galvan just sounds so goofy. I cant even tell what the voice actor was going for with him. Its hard to take the character seriously, imagining any of his lines with that voice attached.
As in all things with Legaia 2, the quality will wildly vacillate from here on.
Anyway, back to the game, maybe?
The tutorial battles are easily won, but before going any further, we can actually leave the forest now.

In Legaia 1, you had a traditional world map to move over, with random battles as you went from one place to another. Legaia 2s is much simpler, where you just automatically move between locations on the map. No encounters happen, you just move to the icon on the map and click to go in.
For now, all we can do is go back to Nohl, where we can buy more items, maybe some new weapons and armour.
Either way, one must eventually carry on with the game.

Galvan introduces us to our main mission: culling the local population of Klaw Ants.

We spot one down the trail. It runs away

Leading us into a terrible ambush!
Im just kidding. These things dont do anything unless you touch them. Each Ant represents a battle with 3 Klaw Ants, so we kill 9 total.
When all the Klaw Ants are beaten, we are expected to go find another batch of them elsewhere. We decide to goof off a bit instead.

Along the way, we encounter the only enemy not to show up in a tutorial: the Flytrap.
These things take more than one round to kill, and can poison you, so they present a mild stumbling block compared to Klaw Ants.

We find Dein standing around here.

Dein: Thats because youre too green to notice Im keeping watch for Marcus. Hmph!

We leave Dein and Marcus be, and go find the rest of those Klaw Ants.

This time, we find 5 groups, meaning a total of 15. But no matter how many are present, we easily beat them all.

Galvan brings our adventure to an end for the day.
As we all know, this is the point in any adventure where we calmly go home and nothing significant happens, right?

What a twist!

Marcus: That thing ! Never seen anything like it!

We are left alone to go find Dein. At this point, we can still encounter enemies.

We must fight alone now, but its not too hard. The game tends to hand out healing items generously in Hunters Wood too.

Dein isnt far away from where Marcus was found.

Dein: So thats it, huh? Went off and left me, did they? It figures *cough*

Dein: Leave me alone! I dont need your help! *groan* *cough*

Dein: Shaddup! Youre so green, you cant even tell Im just faking it!
All of a sudden, something is watching Lang from the tree line. A cacophony of sounds erupt: shaking trees, birds chirping wildly.

Dein: HMPH!
Dein: Save yourself, Lang. Get away while you still can!
Lang simply turns to face the noises.
Dein: Hey ! What are you ? What do you think youre doing? Cut it out!

At first, all we see is feet. Then it slowly advances on Lang.

Now Playing Inevitable Fate
We must now do battle with the mother of all crabs.

In this phase, it primarily attacks with its claws. Until

Lang slices off its right claw with cutscene power.
It is reduced to slapping us with one claw, but its far from toothless.

Venom can cause the poison status, of course. Its pretty trivial here, and I dont even cure it in my demonstration video.

Lang hacks off another claw. This is actually bad for us, because now the Gather Crab will only use Venom, hitting harder than its two claw combo.
It will also start doing this

When I called it the mother of all crabs, I wasnt being metaphorical.
See why the ants should be crabs now? Theyre literally born from a crab! Not that I know what kind of crab this thing is meant to be.
Eventually, Lang Sandstorms the Gather Crab into submission.

Click the image below to watch the Gather Crab Boss Fight

Note that the above is an example of me playing very inefficiently. I needed to get fresh footage for the boss fight and neglected to prepare for it, resulting in a very long and difficult fight. It is possible to make it much easier, but this video proves you can win even if you rush into it.
Moving on

The game sees fit to remind us that the Gather Crab is dead.

Lang starts carrying Dein away.
Dein: But lets get this straight, Lang You listening? *cough*
Dein: *groan* Dont go thinking I owe your or nothing!
Dein: I could have taken that monster if I wanted to. Easy! *cough*

We find ourselves at home with Dein and Galvan.

We can either answer honestly or brag. Of course, we really did take it down alone, so is it really bragging?
We are cocky, so we choose to brag.

Galvan slaps Lang down for his arrogance.

We are now free to roam Galvans house. We can actually go outside, but nobodys around at this time of night. All doors are locked.

Marcus Before I knew what was happening Hows Dein?

Aston presents us with another opportunity to brag.

Aston: Well, then You should still be careful.

We get to brag. Again.

We finally go to bed. But we do not sleep soundly

Could it be the effect of the Gather Crabs toxin?
Now Playing (Sorta) Repressed Past
(I swear the above track isn't quite the same as the one that plays in game)

Has Lang been transported somewhere?

A mob is gathered around someone. Someone they just killed.
Mob: Kill the Mystics! Theyre monsters!!
Mob: You Mystic!! You cursed creature! Foul monster!
Mob: Everybody! There must be some still left somewhere!! Find them!!

Lang sees a boy next to him. A boy with a mark on his hand.
Mob: Hey! Look at the mark on his chest!! Hes one of them! Hes a Mystic, too!!
They noticed the bo-wait, no, the boys mark is on his hand

Theyve seen Lang.
Mob: Aaaah!! Get him! Kill him!!

And then everything goes black.

It was all just a dream.

I think the game gave Lang a jerk response here because it interprets taking all the bragging answers as being an asshole. This is despite picking all the options to be nice to Nancy. The dialogue choices are pretty arcane to work through, and you cant be sure which response gives what outcomes.

After Nancy leaves, Lang ruminates on what just happened to him.

He sees someone that we didnt see in his dream .or did we?
Lang tries to make sense of what he just experienced before passing out.
And that is where I shall leave this update.
Join me next time, where Langs dreams come to life.